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"Our burden is to edify a church of overcomers where every member is a minister and every house an extension of the Church thereby conquering our generations to Christ through life-groups that multiply"

Our burden is:

Burden means obligation, a duty, and some times, a weight. Apostle Paul said: For necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! (1Corinthians 9:16) and more, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches. (2 Corinthians 11:28).”

This type of burden is always related to our God given call, our purpose, our mission! This burden is what impels us to fulfill our call.


We also see a difference between a burden and a title. We believe that a burden is a burning passion that impels you to fulfill a purpose while a title is just something related to a position. Someone can have the title of an evangelist but not have the anointing and passion to evangelize, or even without having won a single soul to Jesus. However someone may not have the title of an evangelist but yet have a burning passion for lives and actually act as an evangelist wining lives to Jesus.


So at our church we believe that the burden will bring you to have the title, and not the opposite. It's more glorious to have the recognition of a position (evangelist, pastor, leader etc.) because of the burden then to simply carry a meaningless title.


Edify a church:

In Ephesians 2:19-22 the Bible describes the church as a building to be edified. In 1 Corinthians 3:10-14 the Bible says that the foundation is Christ and that we should observe with what materials we are building or edifying our work with. So we have been called to edify the church of Christ Jesus. We are called to serve the body. We recognize that to edify a great work we need to have a great structure and foundation. The greater the building the deeper and stronger the structure and cornerstone has to be.

Of overcomers:

We are called to edify a church, a church that prevails, a church of overcomers. In the letters to the churches of Asia, in Revelations 2-3, the Bible describes the position of an overcomer. Overcomer is the one that lives the first love, its fervent in spirit, guards the testimony of Christ, and fulfills the purpose of God. So our burden, our passion, is to edify, build, be part of the work, of a church of overcomers, that fulfill theirs purpose, that overcame the flesh, the world and the devil, and a church that impacts lives, families and society.

Scripture says that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus (Rm. 8:37). Everyone is! But that is our legal position. Maybe our experimental position is different. But God calls us to give evidence of what already happened inside of us.

Where every member is a minister:

We don't believe in clericalism, we're against it. We don't believe that the pastor is the only one anointed by God, the only one who can hear God, the only one who brings the word and that prays and actually works.

We believe we need to invest in the potential of every member to fulfill their God given purpose. We have all been called to influence, make a difference, to be salt and light (agents of change / Mt. 5:13), to be in the image and likeness of God (Gn. 1:26-28), and ambassadors of Christ (to represent Him / 2Cor. 5:20). We believe that the prayer of every person is powerful and effective (James 5:16).

We believe that the whole body has to work properly, each member serving and giving support to the body. Jesus anointed all of us to preach the gospel, heal the sick and cast out the demons (Mt. 10:8). And if you believe, greater works you'll do (John 14:12).

Every house an extension of the church:

We meet together as the body of Christ in a building, but we also see each other in the houses where we share life together, fellowship, and break the bread (Acts 2:42-44). We have the early church, the church of Acts, as our example and role model. They met in the houses, worshipped together, served on another and shared the word. If in any way we were to change this part our statement every house an extension of the church, would be to every church building and extension of the church, because the early church met in the houses and barely on temples. We don't believe in templism, we don't believe the church is a building, the church are the believers gathered together. The building is not holy, the believers are holy, and wherever we have we make the place holy (1Cor. 6:19)


Thereby conquering:

We are in a constant battle against hell for lives. The word of God doesn't say that the gates of the Church will prevail against heaven (even though it's true), but it says the contrary, that the gates of HELL will NOT prevail against the CHURCH (Mt. 16:18). So we already have the victory, we only need to go and loot the lives out of hell. In the book of Ephesians (ch. 6) says that we need to put on the full armor of God, pointing to the church as an army.

In John 17 Jesus was praying to God that He would not take us out of the world, even though we're not from it anymore, but that He would SEND us into the world, but why? To make a difference, to do what Jesus did.


Our generations:

We believe in a move of God that lasts for generation, that the move of God cannot come from on generation and die with it. We learn with those who came before us. We believe in reaching out to the couples, the young adults, the youth, and also the kids that represent the next generation. And Isaac dug again the wells of water that had been dug in the days of Abraham his father Gen. 26:18

To Christ:

Our final goal is not that someone accepts Jesus and is saved, but that they become a fully devoted follower of Christ. We see that multitudes followed Jesus, but only the disciples made a difference. The multitudes are spectators; the disciples would make things happen. The multitudes listened; the disciples would put into practice (James 1:22).


Through life-groups:

The life-groups are nothing more than the strategy God gave us to conquer this generation to Christ. The life-groups are these extensions of the church in the houses. It is where you get connected into the life of the church with people you can laugh, grow, serve, and make a difference with.

That multiply:

The good trees produce MANY GOOD fruits. What's not missing out there is people that need Jesus, and because we have the solution, we need to take HIM to them. We removed the word "division" from our midst because when a life-group grows to the point where there is no more space to have the meeting it's a sign of growth, a sign of multiplication.

So Jesus gave us a duty, a commission. Each one of us has been called to be the Lords workers in his work. God can and wants to use each member of the body as a channel of His glory and power. We believe that every believer must invest in their potential and live the fullest of life that only Jesus offers, overcoming the obstacles and fulfilling the purpose of God. We believe that we will keep conquering our generation through sharing the life of God in our life-groups.

"Our burden is to edify a church of overcomers where every member is a minister and every house an extension of the Church thereby conquering our generations to Christ through life-groups that multiply"


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